HC Deb 04 December 1893 vol 19 cc360-1

On behalf of the Member for North-East Cork, I beg to ask the Secretary to the Admiralty whether he can state the number of casks of pork supplied to Deptford Stores in connection with the last contract for pork; how many of these were supplied by Cork contractors, and how many by Danish or other foreign contractors; and whether he can state the difference in price (if any) between the Irish and foreign contracts?


Under the 1892 contract for pork the number of casks supplied to the Deptford Victualling Yard was 4,288; 2,135 were supplied by Cork contractors and 2,155 by Danish. The casks contain 300 lbs., 2001bs., and l00lbs. respectively. The prices are: — 3001bs. cask from Cork, £8 7s.; Danish, £7 10s.:—2001bs. cask from Cork, £5 12s. 7d.; Danish, £5:— l00lbs. cask from Cork, £2 17s. 10d.; Danish, £2 13s. It is thus seen that the Irish pork in all cases is dearer than the Danish.


May I ask whether the right hon. Gentleman considers it advisable that the Admiralty should continue to give so large a share of this contract to a foreign country when the supply can be obtained at home at no very great addition to the price, and, considering the quality, much cheaper?

[Mr. SPEAKER ruled the question out of Order.]