HC Deb 31 August 1893 vol 16 c1584
SIR H. ROSCOE (Manchester, S.)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether information has been received by Her Majesty's Government that, in spite of the outbreak of cholera at Mecca, many pilgrims who are British subjects have been compulsorily detained at that city by the illegal action of the Governor, when desirous of proceeding at once to the coast to embark; if so, what steps the Government have taken to put an end to such proceedings?


Information to this effect has been received, and urgent representations were immediately made at Constantinople by Her Majesty's Chargé d'Affaires. Instructions were then sent by the Sultan to the Governor of Mecca not to interfere with the departure of the pilgrims. It appears, however, that such interference did take place to an extent which is said to have caused great injury to the pilgrims, and considerable loss to certain British shipowners. Her Majesty's Government are now investigating the circumstances in view of the possibility of being able to advance claims for damage inflicted, and in order to prevent the repetition of any such injustice on a future occasion.