HC Deb 29 August 1893 vol 16 cc1342-3
MR. LLOYD MORGAN (Carmarthen, W.)

I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade whether his attention has been called to a very serious accident which occurred on the 6th instant at Aberavon, in the County of Glamorgan, owing to the overcrowding of a boat used for hire, whereby many lives were lost; whether he is aware that complaints have been made in the public Press of the County of Carmarthen that the ferry boats which ply between Ferryside and Llanstephan in that county are from time to time, especially on bank holidays, so overcrowded as to seriously endanger the lives of the passengers; and whether the boats used by the lessee of the Llanstephan Ferry are registered by the Board of Trade; if not, whether there is any mode of compelling the lessee to have his boats registered, which would limit them to carrying a fixed number of passengers and no more?


My attention has been called to the regrettable accident to which the hon. Member refers; but the Board of Trade have no control over pleasure boats let for hire. I understand they are subject to bye-laws made by Local Authorities. I have had no complaints with regard to the ferry boats to which the hon. Member alludes. These boats are not registered by the Board of Trade. I am, however, making further inquiries in the matter, and will communicate with the hon. Member when these inquiries are completed.