HC Deb 29 August 1893 vol 16 c1353

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he has yet received a Despatch from the Chief Secretary of South Australia on the subject of the appointment of a successor to Lord Kintore; if so, will he give the date of the Despatch; whether the Secretary of State for the Colonies telegraphed to the Earl of Kintore requesting him to continue in the office of Governor of South Australia for one year more; whether he has received a reply to the telegram; and whether he is now in a position to publish the tenour or nature of the Despatch or communication from the Chief Secretary of South Australia, and what reply has been given to it?


The Secretary of State learnt with regret some time ago that Lord Kintore understood that his term of office was five years. The regular term for Colonial Governors is six years, and it is very desirable that it should as far as possible be maintained, especially in the case of a Governor who has discharged his duties so ably. The Secretary of State intimated to Lord Kintore his hope that he would remain his full time. No answer has yet been received from him. A Despatch from the Governor (Lord Kintore) to the Secretary of State was received yesterday, and is under consideration. It encloses a Memorandum from the Chief Secretary of the Colony, dated July 11, addressed to the Governor, which is probably the Paper the hon. Member is asking about. No answer has yet been given.