HC Deb 25 August 1893 vol 16 cc1087-8
MR. T. BAYLEY (Derbyshire, Chesterfield)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether the Government have information confirming the telegrams in the newspapers which state that MR. Hamilton, an Imperial British East Africa Company's Superintendent, has been killed by natives and a Company's garrison deserted, while a steamer is in danger of seizure, and that a British man-of-war has sailed for the spot; whether the paralysis of government in British East Africa, revealed by the fighting at Vita and by the present occurrences, is occupying the attention of the Government; and whether he will consider the desirability of terminating the rule of the Company elsewhere, as has already been done at Vitu, by the revocation of the Charter or otherwise?


Information has been received that a portion of the garrison of Kismayu in the service of the British East Africa Company deserted to the Somalis and attacked and killed Mr. Hamilton. The steamer Kenia is believed to be in a position to defend herself if attacked. H.M.S. Blanche was to leave Zanzibar for Kismayu on the 22nd, and should now be there. As to the second paragraph of the question, Her Majesty's Representative telegraphs that he has returned to Zanzibar, having made arrangement for the security and administration of the Vitu territory. The rule of the East Africa Company at Vitu was not terminated by Her Majesty's Government, but by the Company's decision to withdraw. The question of the future position of the Company is being carefully considered.