HC Deb 25 August 1893 vol 16 cc1071-3
MR. MAINS (Donegal, N.)

I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware that the North Eastern Railway Company have charged cattle dealers since the 1st February last £2 10s. 2d. per truck for cattle between Carlisle and Darlington, and also the ordinary railway fare between these two towns—namely, 6s. 8½d. which, added to the £2 10s. 2d., makes a total of £2 16s. 10½d., whereas the rate prior to the 1st February last was £1 16s. and a free railway ticket to the cattle dealer between these two places; whether he is aware that farmers in and around Darlington, owing to the excessive drought this season, are not able to pay the Irish cattle dealers the extra price for cattle owing to the rise in railway rate on this particular line, and that the goods agent of the Carlisle branch recently stated that all other goods were back to the old rates, and that the cattle rate would be back immediately to what it was before, and that the extra rate that had been paid per truck for cattle from 1st February last would be refunded; whether ho is aware that the Glasgow and South Western Railway Company give cattle dealers railway tickets at half ordinary fares by their cattle trains, and the Midland Railway Company give cattle dealers return tickets at single fares by ordinary trains, and that the through rate on cattle from any station on the Belfast and Northern Counties Railway Company, Ireland to Carlisle, is the same now as it was prior to 1st February last—namely, 6s. per head; and whether the Board of Trade will use its powers, and see that the North Eastern Railway Company will charge the same rates as other Railway Companies?


I have received a Memorandum from the North Eastern Railway Company traversing the allegations referred to in the question. It is rather long to read to the House, but I shall be happy to furnish the hon. Member with a copy. In brief, the company inform me that the figures quoted are incorrect, and that a comparison is made between a rate quoted last year for a "small" waggon and a rate quoted this year for a "medium" waggon. I gather that the change of practice as to free passes for drovers has been adopted by all Railway Companies, on the ground that the privilege has been abused. The Board are prepared to communicate with the company with reference to any specific instances of unfair or unreasonable rates.


Does the right hon. Gentleman concur in the opinions expressed by the Railway Company?


I have no evidence at all on the question. I am only quoting the expression of opinion by the Railway Company. The Board of Trade cannot compel the Railway Company to give free passes.


This is a rather important matter. Are the Board of Trade prepared to acquiesce in the statement of the Railway Company that the privilege has been abused without making an independent inquiry on their own account?


The Board of Trade could not undertake such an inquiry. It would be a Roving Commission.


Have not the Railway Company increased the rates exacted prior to the 1st February last in the sense at any rate of charging the drovers their fares?


If the hon. Gentleman asks me whether they have increased the rates, I must request him to give me specific instances, and on those I will make representations to the Railway Company.


I am referring to the charges for cattle traffic. I am instructed that the rates have been increased considerably.


I shall be glad if the hon. Gentleman will furnish me with specific particulars.