HC Deb 24 August 1893 vol 16 cc960-1

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that William Long, of Ballyferriter, County Kerry, is contractor for the completion of the work known as the Slea-head Road under the Congested Districts Board; that all the land necessary for this road has been purchased and paid for, and conveyances duly executed by both owners and occupiers and deposited with the Congested Districts Board; whether he is aware that the contractor, having been duly authorised by the Congested Districts Board and by the engineer of the works to proceed with the construction of the road, has been obstructed by the occupiers for whose benefit the road is being constructed, and obliged to seek police protection for himself and his men to enable him to carry out the works according to the terms of his contract, and that on the 18th instant he bad to dismiss 40 men whom he had engaged for the carrying out of the work owing to the violence and obstruction offered; and what steps he proposes to take in the matter?


The facts are as stated in the first paragraph. I understand that some six tenants, through whose lands it is proposed the road shall pass, objected to the work being proceeded with, on the ground that they had not received the full amount of compensation allowed by the Congested Districts Board. Five of these tenants have since waived their objection. On one day only, the 19th instant, were the men not employed, and at no time was actual violence offered to the engineer or contractor in the construction of the road. Two policemen were present on the 17th, the only occasion on which they attended, and matters proceeded most peaceably. The work is now in progress, and I have no doubt the scruples of the remaining solitary objector will soon be overcome.