HC Deb 24 August 1893 vol 16 cc952-3
SIR E. HARLAND (Belfast, N.)

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Admiralty if he can now lay upon the Table of the House the Report in full of the evidence taken before the Court Martial on the Victoria and Camperdown disasters, especially that part relating to the manipulation of the bulkhead doors which was not reported in the newspapers; and in consequence of the finding of the Court being silent upon the question of the efficiency of their bulkheads or the doors through them, or if such doors were or were not capable of being closed in time, will the Admiralty as soon as possible have these questions thoroughly investigated by a Committee in which independent outside authorities shall be invited to join?


The Minutes of the Court Martial on the loss of the Victoria will, as I have already stated, be laid upon the Table of the House; and they include full evidence with respect to the bulkhead doors. The time has been too short since the Minutes reached the Admiralty for the whole of them to be printed. As soon as the Board have the printed evidence before them, they will thoroughly consider all the questions arising upon it. But, until this can be done, it is impossible to determine whether it will be necessary to institute any special inquiry such as that which the hon. Baronet suggests.


About how soon is it probable that the Report will be on the Table?


That depends on the printers. I cannot make any conjecture. I know, however, they are subjected to much pressure just now.

MR. HANBURY (Preston)

Are we not going to have this before the Estimates? It is a very important matter.


The Board of Admiralty has not yet seen it.