HC Deb 24 August 1893 vol 16 cc972-3
MR. JESSE COLLINGS (Birmingham, Bordesley)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War whether he is making arrangements for the sale of the repairing works, Bagot Street, Birmingham?


The right hon. Member is aware that the continued use of Bagot Street as a repairing factory has only been sanctioned for the current year; but the changes that may be necessary, in the event of its being closed, are still under consideration, and there is no present intention of offering the property for sale.


May I ask the right hon. Gentleman what arrangements can be made, when the Bagot Street Factory is closed, for carrying on the work of repairing now done there?


The right hon. Gentleman wants me to anticipate a decision which I have told him has not yet been arrived at. Repairing work will undoubtedly be continued in Birmingham, even if the Bagot Street Factory is closed.


This is a matter of great interest and importance to my constituents; and I want to ask whether he will take it from me that it has been decided to close Bagot Street works at an early date?


No absolute decision has been arrived at; but I may remind the right hon. Gentleman of what he knows perfectly well—that Sparkbrook Factory was acquired many years ago with the intention of superseding the Bagot Street Factory, but that up to the present the Treasury have allowed the latter to go on working. It is only fair to say that the amount of work now required to be done does not justify the continuance of two factories.


I gather from the answer that the Sparkbrook Factory is to be turned into a repairing shop in place of the Bagot Street Factory, and that it will be discontinued as a manufacturing establishment. In that case, will the hon. Gentleman say what is to become of the manufacturing machinery at Sparkbrook?


My right hon. Friend is premature in supposing that any such decision has been arrived at. I shall be glad to confer with him, if he will give me an opportunity, as to what is most expedient. There is no intention to dismantle Sparkbrook, although it may be desirable to continue there the repairs now done at Bagot Street.