HC Deb 18 August 1893 vol 16 cc513-4
MR. FLYNN (Cork Co., N.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that the house of a Catholic named John Furfy, of Portadown, was attacked on the night of the 12th instant by the members of an Orange Lodge returning from celebrating the "Closing of the gates of Deny," and the windows and furniture smashed, and the son of Mr. Furfy badly wounded in the head; what steps, if any, will be taken by the Police Authorities to bring the assailants to justice; and whether, in view of the frequent attacks upon the houses of Catholics by Orange drumming parties, steps will be taken by the police, whose barrack is within one mile of the scene of this occurrence, to afford full protection to the Catholic inhabitants of the neighbourhood?


With regard to the first and second paragraphs, I understand that the alleged occurrence is about to form the subject of investigation by the Magistrates at Petty Sessions before whom the facts will no doubt be fully elucidated. In reference to the last paragraph of the question, I understand it is not true that there have been frequent attacks on houses in the neighbourhood of Portadown, which is perfectly quiet and free from crime.