HC Deb 18 August 1893 vol 16 cc524-5
MR. PIERPOINT (Warrington)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that Major General Utterson's brigade was marched on the 16th nearly 14 miles up to 10.30 a.m.; that the men were allowed to march without their tunics; that the ambulance was full, and that several men were hanging on behind; that the thermometer stood at 83 degrees or thereabouts; that there were several cases of sunstroke at Lydd Camp; whether he will inquire who is responsible for marching the men during the extreme heat; whether he will give instructions that no marching shall take place during the present weather except in the early morning and in the evening; and what number of men of the Regular Army are now or have been in hospital or on the sick list from sunstroke or other illness caused by the extreme heat since Sunday, 6th August?


This question only appeared on the Paper this morning. I have called for a Report as to the alleged occurrences at Aldershot and Lydd, which I shall probably have on Monday. The last question refers apparently to the whole United Kingdom; and if the hon. Gentleman wishes to have the information, a considerable time must be allowed for obtaining it. As to the suggestion that I should issue general instructions, I must repeat what I said yesterday. I have perfect confidence that General Officers commanding will adapt their orders to the local circumstances, including in those circumstances the important element of temperature.

MR. MAC NEILL (Donegal, S.)

In this Indian heat should not the troops be supplied with tropical helmets when drilling?


These are matters for the Military Authorities to deal with, and should be left to the General in immediate command.