HC Deb 14 August 1893 vol 16 cc110-1
SIR C. CAMERON (Glasgow, College)

I beg to ask the Secretary for Scotland whether his attention has been called to the threatened eviction of 18 households at Auchintibber, Lanarkshire, in consequence of an outbreak of typhoid fever in the village, attributed to a contaminated water supply; whether any steps have been taken by the Sanitary Authority to provide a pure supply; whether the eviction proceedings have been taken at the instance of the Sanitary Authority, or at that of the proprietor of the houses; and whether the Board of Supervision have had their attention directed to the epidemic and its cause?


In reply to the hon. Mem- ber, the attention of the Board of Supervision was called to the outbreak of enteric fever which took place at Clyde Rows, Auchintibber, in October last, in consequence of an impure water supply, by the Annual Report of the Medical Officer. The Local Authority, in the due performance of their duty, obtained a decree from the Sheriff ordaining the proprietor to introduce a pure supply. It appears, however, that pure water is not to be had in the locality, and the proprietor has accordingly decided to close the houses, and served the necessary notices on the occupiers to quit. The Local Authority are making every effort to improve the sanitary condition of their district, and have undertaken a very extensive and costly scheme to supply the whole of the Middle Ward of Lanarkshire with an abundance of pure water. These works are in progress under the Lanarkshire Water Act, 1892; and when completed no district in Great Britain will be better provided for.


But could not a temporary water supply have been provided for these unfortunate people? Was it necessary to resort to this harsh measure?


I cannot profess to answer that question. The only Body with authority to interfere is, I conceive, the Local Authority, which might cease to press the proprietor. I will communicate with the Board of Supervision to see if anything can be done.