HC Deb 10 August 1893 vol 15 cc1763-4
MR. WOLFF (Belfast, E.)

I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade when, and under what authority, was the Walney Lighthouse at the entrance of the harbour of Barrow erected; what is the revenue annually received from same; by whom contributed; and on what basis of charge; what is the cost of maintaining the light; and how is the surplus, if any, applied?

MR. CAYZER (Barrow-in-Furness)

At the same time, may I ask the President of the Board of Trade whether a charge of 3d. per ton is now levied on all vessels entering the port of Barrow, for maintaining the Walney Lighthouse, which is now practically useless to vessels entering the port; whether the Lancaster Harbour Commissioners receive the revenue derived from this lighthouse, amounting to several thousand pounds yearly, and, less the trifling cost for upkeep of the lighthouse, expend the same for purposes totally unconnected with the lighting of the Port of Barrow; and whether he will cause inquiry to be made into this matter, and take steps to remove the burden imposed upon the shipping entering this harbour?


Walney Lighthouse is a local light under the control of the Furness Railway Company, and in no way under the authority of the Board of Trade. I have asked the Railway Company to give the information asked for by the lion. Members for East Belfast and Barrow-in-Furness, and I will communicate to them the reply.