HC Deb 08 August 1893 vol 15 c1556
DR. FARQUHARSON (Aberdeenshire, W.)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War how many changes have taken place in the officers holding the post of principal medical officer of the following districts since 1st January, 1891: Aldershot, Portsmouth, Dover, Devonport, Woolwich, London, Colchester, York, Edinburgh, Chester, Dublin, and Belfast; and whether, in the interest of the efficiency of the Army Medical Department, he can arrange that these officers shall enjoy the usual Staff period of tenure of office for five years?


At the stations named in the question the number of changes of principal medical officers (including officers in temporary charge pending the appointment of a successor) were, since January 1, 1891—Aldershot, one; Portsmouth, three; Dover, throe; Devonport, five; Woolwich, four; London, one; Colchester, none; York, one; Edinburgh, two; Chester, one; Dublin, two; Belfast, three. With one exception these changes have been unavoidable as a consequence of the officers reaching the age for compulsory retirement, or being required to relieve officers abroad who had to retire, or who completed their prescribed tour of Foreign Service. These causes preclude any fixed period for the tour of Home Service.