HC Deb 28 April 1893 vol 11 c1503

I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade whether his attention has been called to the resolution of the Incorporated Chamber of Commerce and Shipping of Cork, passed on the 31st ult., with reference to the loss of the steamer Kilburne at the Old Head of Kinsale, through fog, under similar circumstances to those attending the wreck of the City of Chicago, and in which the Council complain that no attention is paid to their repeated recommendations to the Commissioners of Irish Lights that immediate steps should be taken to erect at the Old Head of Kinsale the new lighthouse light and fog signal which the Chambers of Commerce of Cork, Belfast, and Dublin, the Liverpool Steamship Owners' Association and others recommended should be placed there, and respecting the practical operation of which testimony is contained in the recently issued Parliamentary Paper on Lighthouse Illuminants; and whether he will take any steps to have these recommendations carried out?


Last week the Cork Chamber of Commerce drew my attention to their desire that the light and fog signal at the Old Head of Kinsale should be improved, and they have been informed that whenever an application from the Commissioners of Irish Lights comes before me for sanction it will receive careful attention. The Board of Trade have no power to select a particular mode of improvement, or to favour the claims of one inventor in preference to those of others.