HC Deb 28 April 1893 vol 11 cc1506-7

I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade whether his attention has been called to the grounding of the fishing smack Greyhound, sustaining thereby considerable injury, on the tail of the East Hoyle Bank, near the mouth of the River Mersey, on the night of January 14th last, when making for Hoylake Harbour; whether he is aware that other fishing boats and yachts have grounded on the same place; and whether, as the buoy marked L. I., commonly known as "Jackson's Horse Buoy," placed to mark the entrance to the harbour, is practically useless on dark nights, he will ask the Trinity House Authorities to replace it by a gas buoy, and thus afford adequate protection to the Hoylake fishermen returning to their anchorage in Hoylake Lake in bad weather on dark nights?


I have ascertained that the fishing smack Greyhound stranded as described. I have had a list of the strandings in the neighbourhood of Hoylake prepared, but it does not appear that any stranding besides that of the Greyhound, since 1889, could be attributed to the want of a light. The buoy to which the hon. and gallant gentleman refers has been placed by, and is under the control of, the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board, who are the Local Authority. I cannot, therefore, move in the direction he suggests.


As I have received additional information since I put the question on the Paper, will the right hon. Gentleman permit me to communicate it to him?

