HC Deb 27 April 1893 vol 11 cc1293-4
MR. NAOROJI (Finsbury, Central)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for India whether he is aware of an important statement made in 1882 by Major Baring (now Lord Cromer) as Finance Minister of India, in his finance speech, that it has been calculated that the average income per head of population in India is not more than 27 rupees a year, and though not prepared to pledge himself to the absolute accuracy of a calculation of this sort, he stated that it is sufficiently accurate to justify the conclusion that the taxpaying community is exceedingly poor; and whether tins statement was based upon a Note prepared by the present Finance Minister, Sir David Barbour, entitled "An Inquiry into the Incidence of Taxation in British India;" and, if so, whether, in view of the importance and necessity of placing such information before this House, the Secretary of State for India will inform the House what the objection is to make a Return of the above-mentioned Note?


To the first part of my hon. Friend's question my answer is in the affirmative. There is reason to think that Major Baring's statement had reference to the confidential Note described by my hon. Friend. The information on which that estimate was based is from 13 to 23 years old; and the Secretary of State thinks it inexpedient to present to Parliament a statement which is now so much out of date. The Secretary of State has consulted the Government of India, who concur with him.