HC Deb 18 April 1893 vol 11 cc559-60
MR. KENNEDY (Kildare, N.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether the at- tention of the Local Government Board for Ireland has been called to a resolution passed by the Conservative majority of the Edenderry Board of Guardians on the 1st of April, whereby they have determined to suspend the working of the Labourers' Acts in their Union as a protest against the Government of Ireland Bill; how many cottages are now erected under the Labourers' Acts in the Edenderry Union, and what is the average number for the whole of the Unions situated, or partly situated, in Leinster; whether, under the Act of 1891, it is open to the Local Government Board to pass schemes over the heads of the Guardians on receiving proper representations from the labourers; and whether, in view of the ground on which the Guardians' conduct is based, the Local Government Board will enforce the Act of 1891, or dissolve the Board and appoint Vice Guardians to carry out the schemes already made, having regard to the outlay previously expended on them?


The Board of Guardians of the Edenderry Union at their meeting held on the 1st instant passed a resolution of the nature indicated. Twenty-seven cottages have been erected in the Union, five are in progress and eight contracted for—the full number authorized being 40. The average number of cottages for Unions in Leinster is 95. The Local Government Board have informed the Guardians that they cannot rescind resolutions previously adapted in favour of the making of schemes for labourers' cottages, and that it is incumbent upon them to proceed with the schemes.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that on the day on which this resolution was passed, a resolution in favour of Home Rule was proposed by Nationalist members of the Board, and the chairman refused to put it, on the ground that it was a political resolution?


I was not aware of that fact.