HC Deb 14 April 1893 vol 11 cc327-8

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he has received any reply from the Magistrates at Hull to his inquiry as to what is, under existing circumstances, the necessity for the continued presence of the Naval and Military Forces at Hull; whether he will communicate its terms to the House; and whether it is now the intention of the Government to withdraw the Naval and Military Forces from Hull?

COMMANDER BETHELL (York, E.R., Holderness)

May I ask the right hon. Gentleman whether his attention has been called to a statement in The Yorkshire Post that, yesterday, certain free labourers wore attacked by Unionists, who ill-treated them, took away their Federation tickets, and created further disturbances?


I have not seen the statement to which the hon. Member refers. In reference to the question on the Taper, the Mayor of Hull informs me that the Justices are of opinion that the presence of the military has alone prevented serious outbreaks, and that if the Force is withdrawn they will not be answerable for the maintenance of the peace. In reply to the third paragraph of the hon. Member's question, I have to say that under these circumstances Her Majesty's Government cannot assume the responsibility of ignoring the opinion formed on the spot by the Local Authorities. The Naval and Military Forces will be withdrawn as soon as they cease to be required, but not before.


Arising out of the answer just given, may I ask the right hon. Gentleman whether he thinks that a Bench of Magistrates, composed almost exclusively of shipowners and dock directors, is capable of forming an unbiased opinion on the question of the means desirable to be taken for the protection of their own property?