HC Deb 14 April 1893 vol 11 cc321-2
MR. MAC NEILL (Donegal, S.)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether his attention has been directed to a statement in The Star newspaper of the 6th April, to the effect that a young girl is at present an inmate of St. Bartholomew's Hospital Buffering from phosphorous necrosis of the jaw, and that up to the time of her illness she was employed in the manufacture of lucifer matches at Messrs. Bryant and May's, at Bow; whether he is aware that a number of cases of phosphorous necrosis have occurred amongst the operatives at the same factory within the last two years, and that the disease is attributed to the use of white phosphorous; whether he is aware that the Swiss Government have prohibited the use of white phosphorous in the manufacture of lucifer matches; and will the Government take any steps to check its use in this country?


The girl referred to is Alice Skeeles, who was taken ill at Bryant and May's last year. The cases which had occurred previously within the last two years were visited by Her Majesty's Inspector, and as the result of such inquiries special rules were made, which are at present in force. Considerable alterations have been made in Messrs. Bryant and May's factory, and I have received a satisfactory Report from Messrs. Henderson, Lakeman, and Vaughan, Her Majesty's Inspectors, who have visited the factory this week. I will inquire as to the Swiss law. The question of the use of white phosphorous is a serious one, and is being kept in view; but having regard to the improvement which has already resulted from the new rules, I propose to give them a further trial before considering the expediency of more drastic measures.