HC Deb 13 April 1893 vol 11 cc207-8
BARON HENRY DE WORMS (Liverpool, East Toxteth)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies whether an interview has taken place between Sir Henry Loch and President Krüger or between Colonel Martin and President Krüger relative to the future of Swaziland; whether it is the intention of Her Majesty's Government to renew the Convention of 1890, which expires next month; and, in the event of the abrogation of that Treaty being contemplated, whether an opportunity will previously be given to the House of expressing its opinion on the question, and of examining whether the safeguards to the native population contained in the Treaties of 1884 and 1890 are fully maintained?


Sir Henry Loch will meet President Krüger on the 18th instant. The Convention does not expire until next August, and not then unless it is denounced before the 8th of May. Its amendment or continuance will depend upon the result of the Conference. Her Majesty's Government cannot undertake to submit to Parliament any engagement that may be come to on the subject before it is signed; but Parliament will be given the earliest practicable opportunity of judging of any action that Her Majesty's Government may take in the matter.


Has the Treaty been denounced, or has any notice been given that it will be?


We have not heard as to that. No doubt President Krüger will have something to say to Sir Henry Loch on the subject.