HC Deb 13 April 1893 vol 11 c302

Order for Second Reading read.

*MR. J. E. ELLIS (Nottingham, Rushcliffe)

, in moving the Second Reading of the Bill, pointed out that the measure was read a second time last Session, and urged that the same course should now be adopted, and that it should be referred to the Standing Committee on Law.

Motion made, and Question proposed, "That the Bill be now read a second time."—(Mr. J. E. Ellis.)


supported the Second Reading. He could not say whether the Amendments which he considered necessary would be accepted, but there could be no doubt that the Bill dealt with what might be a real grievance. The hon. Member in charge of the Bill had agreed to modify the clauses to meet objections, and it was to be hoped that those modifications would be satisfactory.

SIR F. S. POWELL (Wigan)

hoped that if the Bill were read a second time the same consideration would be given to a Bill of his on the same subject.

Motion agreed to.

Bill read a second time, and committed to the Standing Committee on Law, and Courts of Justice, and Legal Procedure.