HC Deb 30 May 1892 vol 5 cc199-201
MR. SEXTON (Belfast, W.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland why the Resolution, carried on the Motion of the hon. Member for Poplar (Mr. Sydney Buxton), in favour of fair wages and the prohibition of sub-letting in Government contracts, has not been applied by the Irish Office?


I have made some inquiries, but have been unable to ascertain that there are any contracts of this kind made by the Irish Government. Probably, as the hon. Gentleman is aware, all works of this kind are carried out by the Board of Works under the authority of the Treasury, but I have asked them to look carefully into the matter, and find out if there are any such contracts to which the Resolution is not applied.


I beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury whether he is aware that, on the Vote for the Board of Public Works in Ireland last Session, the then Secretary to the Treasury undertook to apply the Resolution passed on the Motion of the hon. Member for Poplar (Mr. Sydney Buxton), relating to fair wages, to all Government contracts in Ireland, and why this undertaking has been, up to the present time, disregarded by the Board of Works?


I find that the present Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant stated last Session that— It would not be unreasonable that we should take the same course in Ireland, as far as the circumstances are similar, as we take in England. I have made inquiries, and am told that it is not the case that the Board of Public Works have disregarded the Resolution of the House, inasmuch as their contracts do contain provision against sub-letting.


I wish: to ask whether the House having passed a Resolution, and the English Departments having issued a form in which that specification is contained, why the Irish Department has not also issued such a Circular, and whether the right hon. Gentleman will direct that such a form shall be issued by the Irish Department?


The Department does not disregard the Resolution of the House of Commons. If the hon. Gentleman will give a particular instance I will inquire into it.

MR. SYDNEY BUXTON (Tower Hamlets, Poplar)

When this matter was debated last year the discussion was directed to the question of fail wages rather than to sub-contracting, and I wish to ask if the right hon. Gentleman intends to insert in, the Irish Government contracts the same terms as are inserted in the English Government contracts?


I wish to ask whether what is known as the factory clause is put in the Irish contracts?


I am told that the Board of Works do not disregard the Resolution of the House of Commons. I made a general inquiry and received a general answer. If the hon. Gentleman will give a specific case I will look into it.


I have given a specific case. While the English Departments issue a form copying the Resolution, the Irish Department has no such form.