HC Deb 27 May 1892 vol 5 cc151-2


Order read, for resuming Adjourned Debate on Question [10th May], "That the Clause (Application of Act to Ireland),—(Mr. Barton,) — which was offered to be added on Consideration of the Bill, as amended, be read a second time."

Debate resumed.

MR. TIMOTHY HEALY (Longford, N.)

I have every desire to assist the hon. Baronet (Sir Edward Birkbeck) in proceeding with the Bill, but I think he finds here some little difficulty of procedure. The hon. Member for Mid Armagh (Mr. Barton) suggested a new clause, to which objection being taken, I think there was no objection to it being withdrawn or negatived. He is not here, but I presume in his absence the House may negative it?


If no objection is raised that may be done.

Question put, and negatived.


If the House will permit, I will now move the Third Reading.


I think that would be hardly fair to the hon. Member (Mr. Barton) in his absence.

Bill to be read the third time upon Monday next.