HC Deb 27 May 1892 vol 5 cc52-3
MR. LABOUCHERE (Northampton)

I see the Vote on Account is the second Order on the Paper. I have no reason to suppose that it will not be carried at the Morning Sitting, but in the event of its not being carried, does the First Lord of the Treasury intend putting it down for the Evening Sitting?


I am very unwilling to contemplate the contingency to which the hon. Gentleman has referred. I thought I had reason to hope that the discussion on the Small Holdings Bill would take but a short time, and that we might finish the Vote on Account by ten minutes to seven o'clock. If, however, it is not carried, it will certainly be put down for this evening, because it is necessary for the purposes of the Treasury that the money should be voted.


I do not think the discussion will take long, but it would be unfair to closure the Debate at the Morning Sitting.


I am very anxious that hon. Gentlemen should have an opportunity of raising any question they like, but I hope the House will cut down anything in the nature of unnecessary discussion.

MR. ESSLEMONT (Aberdeen, E.)

I should like to ask with respect to the fourth Order on the Paper, the Burgh Police and Health (Scotland) Bill, whether arrangements will be made to take that Bill to-day, or at a Saturday Sitting, or at some other early period?


I hope we shall be able to deal with this Bill, which we are exceedingly anxious to pass. Perhaps if we get through the Vote on Account at the Morning Sitting, we may do something with this Bill this evening.

MR. MORTON (Peterborough)

I beg to ask the First Lord of the Treasury whether, seeing that the Notice relating to the Orders at the Evening Sitting are in the names of his own supporters, he cannot arrange to take Supply immediately after 9 o'clock if the Vote on Account is not finished at 7? Will he also tell us what business he intends to take on Monday?


I have already answered the first question, and if the hon. Gentleman had been in his place he would have heard that if the Vote on Account is not finished before 7 o'clock, we shall take it at the Evening Sitting. With respect to the second question, it is probable that we shall take the Second Reading of the Irish Education Bill on Monday.

MR. SEXTON (Belfast, W.)

I hope the right hon. Gentleman will say definitely, because if that Bill is taken the Irish Members will want to be here. If the Bill is not taken on Monday, they can be better engaged elsewhere.


It will certainly be taken on Monday or Tuesday; probably on Monday.