§ MR. MCCARTAN (Down, S.)I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is now aware of the unsanitary state of Magherafelt Courthouse; whether his attention has been called to the report in the Irish News of the 2nd instant of the emphatic protest made by County Court Judge Neligan, Q.C., on the previous day, as to the "abominable stench" and "most dangerous draughts" which sweep through the Courthouse; whether the learned Judge stated on the previous Monday—
He was obliged to adjourn the Court before he had sat for an hour and to send home all the people who were in attendance as suitors and witnesses, and inflict on them the inconvenience and lossof coming back again; whether fully one-third of the County Court business of the entire County of Deny is transacted in Magherafelt; and whether he will consider, in the interest of the 346 public, what steps can be taken to remove the danger to health and life which at present exists there?
§ MR. JACKSONThe attention of the responsible officer shall be called to the matter, and he will, I hope, take the necessary steps to have the Courthouse put into a sanitary condition.