HC Deb 09 May 1892 vol 4 cc341-2

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland if he has observed that almost every Corporate Body and Poor Law Board in the County of Cork, with the strongly-expressed approval of the Recorder of Cork, has now passed unanimous resolutions urging an extension of time for the operation of the Evicted Tenants' Clause of the Land Purchase Act of last Session; and whether, in view of the strong expression of public opinion among all classes upon the subject, he will introduce a short Bill making the required extension?


This question is substantially the same as a question addressed to me by the hon. Member on 19th February last, and I then stated that if information came to me that both the landlord and the former tenant desired to avail themselves of the provision contained in the section referred to of the Act of 1891, but found themselves precluded from so doing through the limited time in which that section was in operation, I should consider as to the course to be taken. That information would be a condition precedent to any action on my part, and no such information has reached me.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that Boards of Guardians are composed equally of landlords and tenants, and have not these resolutions been passed unanimously with the assent of the ex officio Guardians? Can the right hon. Gentleman have a better expression of both landlords and tenants?


The hon. Member has, I think, rather missed the point I wished to bring before the House. I said, if evidence were produced before me showing on the part of tenant and landlords—in other words, the parties interested in making agreements—that they desired to make such agreements, but were precluded owing to the lapse of that section of the Act, then I would endeavour to find some means of meeting the difficulty. No such evidence has come before me.


In what form would the right hon. Gentleman desire the information to come? Would a memorial from any body of tenants, showing the necessity of this, satisfy him, or would he wish landlords to join in such representations?


I said landlords and tenants.