HC Deb 02 May 1892 vol 3 cc1767-8

I beg to ask the Postmaster General whether his attention has been drawn to the grave public inconvenience caused by the absence of telegraphic communication with Louis-burg, County Mayo, which is 13 miles from the nearest telegraph station, and which has a population of 1,888 persons within the Electoral Division; is he aware that a large number of steam trawlers from England and Scotland are at present making this bay their headquarters, and that the Congested Districts Board have under consideration plans for starting an important fishing industry in the immediate neighbourhood, the success of which would be greatly promoted by telegraphic communication with the English markets; whether electric communication is about to be established with the lighthouse on the adjoining Island of Clare, and is not Louisburg the nearest point of land from which such a connection could be formed; and whether, under these circumstances, the memorial of the inhabitants of Louisburg, praying for the extension of a telegraphic service to that town, will be reconsidered?


A memorial was presented in November, 1890. It was ascertained that the cost of establishing telegraphic communication would be £337; and that the guarantee, on the terms then in force, would have to be fixed at £109 a year. The revenue was estimated at only £10. It is plain that the Post Office could not undertake the service at so great a loss, and the extension was, therefore, offered under guarantee in the usual way. Since then the terms of guarantees have been considerably modified, and this one could now be fixed at £62 instead of £109. Under the Act of last Session, 54 & 55 Vic., c. 46, the Local Authorities are empowered to undertake the guarantee. The question of an extension of electrical communication to the lighthouse on the Island of Clare is one for the Royal Commission which Her Majesty's Government propose to appoint.


In this particular instance, who are the Local Authorities?


The Board of Guardians.