HC Deb 02 May 1892 vol 3 c1777

I beg to ask the First Lord of the Treasury whether, considering the uncertainty of the date of the introduction of the Rating of Schools Bill, and the near approach of the General Election, he will introduce at once a Bill giving effect to the unanimous Resolution of the House with regard to the right of public meetings in elementary schools?


The uncertainty of the date which the hon. Gentleman thinks hangs over the introduction of the Rating of Schools Bill arises, as he knows, from the condition of Public Business in this House, and the same uncertainty, therefore, hangs over any other Bill which the Government might prepare on the same subject. I see no reason to depart from the arrangement come to on both sides of the House that the subject of employing schools for other than educational purposes should be associated with the particular measure to which the hon. Member alludes.


I think the subject is one of great interest to both sides of the House, and I would ask the right hon. Gentleman whether, considering that the Rating of Schools Bill is a very contentious measure, and the proposal that public meetings should be held in schools is unanimously accepted by both sides of the House, the First Reading of a Bill as to the use of schools for meetings is not likely to be assented to without further discussion?


It is possible to bring in a Bill under the new Rules so that there may be only two speeches upon it; but the difficulty will arise at the later stages, and although the House may be unanimous as to an object to be arrived at, there may be great difference of opinion as to the method of attaining it.