HC Deb 28 March 1892 vol 3 cc33-4
DR. CAMERON (Glasgow, College)

I beg to ask the First Lord of the Admiralty whether his attention has been called to a telegram, dated New York, 30th October, 1891, and published in the Times of the following day, in which it is stated that— Her Majesty's cruiser Royalist has been cruising among the Solomon Islands and inflicting punishment on the natives for outrages committed on British subjects there…. Chief Tono refused to give up the criminals, and accordingly Captain Davis, commanding the Royalisi, landed with a party of 25 bluejackets and attacked Tono's village, which was set fire to and destroyed; Tono was killed"; and whether the Admiralty have now received any information on the subject; and, if so, whether he will cause inquiry to be made as to the alleged cruise among the Solomon Islands and the operations there?


I understand that the Royalist was at the Solomon Islands about the beginning of August last, but the Admiralty have received no report of her having inflicted any punishment on natives for outrages. If any action of the kind occurred the particulars will be communicated by the Commander-in-Chief in due course.


May I ask the right hon. Gentleman whether he means to say that the statement made in the Times is unfounded?


I do not go so far as that. As communication is slow with the station referred to, it may be the case that something has occurred of which we have not received full information.


I beg to give notice that I will repeat this question.