MR. P. O'BRIENI beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury whether, when investigating the claims of the Land Loans Inspectors of the Irish Board of Works he will cause a full inquiry to be made as to the propriety of the temporary arrangement made in 1886, whereby an ex-military Englishman was placed at the head of the inspecting staff of this Irish Department; whether, in the reduced state of the business of this Department, any necessity exists for such an officer as a Chief Inspector; and, if the office is to be continued, will he see that a preference is given to an Irishman irrespective of religion or politics?
SIR J. GORSTNo, Sir; I do not think it part of my duty to pronounce on the propriety of measures taken by my predecessors. In reply to the second and third paragraphs, I have to say that, as I stated some days ago, the matter is under consideration, and I am not yet in a position to make a statement.