HC Deb 22 March 1892 vol 2 cc1456-7
(3.14.) MR. A. O'CONNOR (Donegal, E.)

I would ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he really in tends to proceed with his Motion on the Paper to-day for the appointment of a Committee to consider the financial relations between England, Ireland, and Scotland; and, if so, whether he will take some steps to have the question brought forward at a time when the House will be able to have some discussion upon it?

(3.15.) MR. GOSCHEN

During the last week and for the next few days, there has been, and will be, such pressure of Business that I do not think the Leader of the House will be able to put this Motion at any time except after twelve o'clock. I would have put it at twelve o'clock, but in view of the objections put down by Welsh Members, who said that was no use, because they would come down to the House and block it, I have not put it down every night. But so soon as the chief pressure of Business is past I shall confer with the First Lord of the Treasury, with the view of taking it at a time when a short discussion could take place. If there is a regular long Debate upon it, of course it must take its turn with other Business.


Are we to understand that the Government has abandoned its intention of appointing a Committee?


My answer surely could not convey that meaning. I said as soon as we have disposed of the most urgent Business I will confer with the First Lord of the Treasury and take it at a time when a short discussion could take place.

(3.16.) MR. J. MORLEY (Newcastle-upon-Tyne)

Is there any objection to the circulation of the Paper prepared by the Treasury, which probably contains all the information which the Committee will have before it?


Surely my right hon. Friend has missed his Parliamentary Papers. This already exists as a Parliamentary document, and has been presented some time since.