§ MR. FLYNN (Cork, N.)I beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury whether Irish exhibitors at the "World's Fair," Chicago, are to be charged 5s. per square foot for ground space by the British Commission recently appointed; and, if so, why is the charge to be made, in view of the fact that the Chicago Committee propose to make no charge for such space, and that exhibitors will be put to considerable expense in costs of transit, expenses of attendants, and other charges?
SIR JOHN GORSTIrish exhibitors, as well as British, will be charged 5s. a square foot for spaces not exceeding 100 square feet, and on a diminishing scale for larger spaces, because the funds placed at the disposal of the Royal Commission for the Exhibition will not suffice to defray all the expenses without being supplemented by payments from exhibitors.
§ MR. FLYNNIs it the fact that the Chicago Committee make no charge for space, and will he recommend that the charge should be reduced by the Commission?