Return ordered—
Showing the number of all Trains booked to pass over the single lines of the Great Eastern Railway Company between Beccles and Coke Ovens Junction, Lowestoft, and Reedham and Coke Ovens Junction, Lowestoft, and any points short thereof, giving the point of departure and the point of destination, and including all Trains, viz.: Passenger, Goods, and Ballast Trains for the months of February and August in each year, as follows, that is to say, in the years 1861, 1871, 1881, and 1891; and also for the last-named year the number of Trains actually run under the following heads:—Date and length of journey; description of Trains (Passenger, Goods, Ballast); total number of Trains; average number of Trains run daily."—(Mr. Colman.)