HC Deb 04 March 1892 vol 2 cc135-6

Motion made, and Question proposed, "That the Select Committee do consist of Seventeen Members."—(Sir Richard Temple.)

(12.7.) COLONEL NOLAN (Galway, N.)

It happens that the Irish Members with whom I act have no representation on this Committee, but we are entitled to some infinitesimal part of representation, something like three-fourths of a Member, and we expect to get a full Member, though of course, if the proportion were less than half, we should not expect representation. Now, we have in the hon. Member for North Leitrim (Mr. Conway) a gentleman who, with the exception of the hon. Baronet who makes this Motion, has qualifications for the consideration of this question beyond any other Member of the House. We wish to be represented by the hon. Member for North Leitrim, and I think our request ought to be acceded to. No doubt the hon. Baronet may get up and say he will be happy to have the name of the hon. Member added later, but I know there will be a difficulty in the way unless we settle it when the 17 Members are agreed upon. If I can get an assurance from the two hon. Gentleman who usually manage these preliminary points, I do not wish to take up further time. It is but a small Irish grievance, and it is not a question as between Parties. We are entitled to two Members, and the second Member ought to be the hon. Member for North Leitrim.


I may explain that I have been requested to omit the name of the hon. Member for the Gorton Division (Mr. Mather) from the nominations to this Committee, and to substitute the name of the hon. Member for North Leitrim, whose qualifications are undoubted.


Does the Secretary to the Treasury assent to this?




The Motion for the nomination of the hon. Member for North Leitrim will be put on the Paper.

(12.8.) MR. KELLY (Camberwell, N.)

I think the Committee will suffer from the loss of the services of the hon. Member for the Gorton Division. The Motion now is that the Committee should consist of 17 Members, but I think it ought to consist of 18, and then the name of the hon. Member for North Leitrim could be added, than whom no man in the House can give the Committee more valuable assistance, and we might still have the services of the hon. Member for the Gorton Division.


No, I am afraid that would disturb the proportions. I cannot agree to that.

Motion agreed to. The Committee was accordingly nominated, of—Mr. Arthur Acland, Mr. Bartley, Mr. Baumann, Mr. Causton, Mr. Duncan, Mr. Thomas Ellis, Sir Julian Goldsmid, Mr. John Kelly, Mr. W. F. Lawrence, Mr. Lawson, Sir Richard Paget, Mr. Francis Powell, Mr. Rowntree, Mr. John Talbot, Sir Richard Temple, and Mr. Tuite. Ordered, That the Committee have power to send for persons, papers, and records. Ordered, That Five be the quorum.—(Sir Richard Temple.)