HC Deb 27 June 1892 vol 5 cc1923-4

I beg to ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will consent to lay upon the Table of the House, or otherwise supply, a copy of the instructions to collectors of taxes upon their appointment, and subsequently, as to their duties generally, and, in particular, as to their procedure in cases of distress when payment of taxes has to be enforced; if he will state if permission is at any time given by the Inland Revenue Department for the employment of unlicensed brokers by collectors of taxes; whether he is aware that a tax-gatherer, Bird, of the first East Brixton division, took an unlicensed broker with him to No. 10, Zenoria Street, S.E., and told such unlicensed broker to refuse to give his name or address, and that the man thus put in possession replied to the request for his name and address, "I refuse; and what's that got to do with you?" whether Bird was authorised to employ any person to assist him, and whom, in the enforcement of payment of taxes for the premises named; and whether Bird has made any report to the Inland Revenue Department in writing; and, as affidavits are now being made with a view to further proceedings, a copy of any and all reports in this case, made to the Inland Revenue Department or the local Commissioners, will be furnished to the persons aggrieved, so that redress may be obtained; and, if no written report has been made, then will the Department furnish the persons aggrieved with the name refused by Bird, and by the man himself who accompanied him?


I do not think that it would facilitate Public Business to lay upon the Table of the House the Papers relating to this matter. Collectors of taxes are not under the control of the Board of Inland Revenue, but of the District Commissioners. It is not required by law that a person employed by a collector in cases of distraint should be a broker. Bird has made no report in writing to the Board of Inland Revenue or the District Commissioners. The Board of Inland Revenue have no knowledge as to the name of the person employed by Bird. Bird was seen by one of the Board Inspectors, and the substance of his answers to the Inspector's inquiries was given by me in reply to a question on the 16th of this month. As I informed the hon. Member who then asked the question, complaints as to the conduct of the collector of taxes should be made to the District Commissioners, and not to me.