HC Deb 20 June 1892 vol 5 cc1580-1

I may say in explanation of this additional Estimate that it is an earnest of the desire of the Government to carry out the recommendations of the Select Committee as to Greenwich age pensions. It will be within the recollection of the House that a Select Committee was appointed to inquire into the claims of those naval pensioners, above fifty-five years of age, who are not in the enjoyment of age pensions, to such pensions, and, after a careful examination, the Committee reported favourably to the claims of the naval pensioners. And, Sir, that Committee indicated two principal ways in which the sum requisite to carry out their recommendations might be provided. The first of these was an extra grant to be paid out of naval funds to the Greenwich funds for the use of the Greenwich Hospital buildings as a Royal Naval College; and the second was to re-grant to the Greenwich funds the sum of £16,000; a year, which was paid out of the Consolidated Fund, under Act of Parliament, from 1834 to 1869. This second question is now under the consideration of the Admiralty and Treasury; but, inasmuch as it necessitates a special Act of Parliament, it is impossible at this period of the present Session to carry it into effect. Well, Sir, as I have already said, this present sum of £5,000 is an earnest of the wish of the Government to carry out one of the recommendations of the Committee. It will be granted at once, and it will enable the Admiralty to give 600 additional pensions, which, together with 400 already granted this year, will make a total of 1,000 extra pensions granted during 1892.

Motion made, and Question proposed, That the Supplementary Statement of the estimated additional Income and Expenditure of Greenwich Hospital for the year ending the 31st day of March, 1893, beyond the Amounts included in the Statement already approved by Resolution of the House of Commons, dated the 14th day of June, 1892 (Parliamentary Paper, No. 243, of Session 1892), prepared in pursuance of Act 48 and 49 Vic., c. 42, be approved."—(Mr. Ashmead-Bartlett.)

Motion agreed to.

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