HC Deb 16 June 1892 vol 5 cc1383-5


Order for Second Reading read.

*SIR JOHN LUBBOCK (London University)

I beg to move the Second Reading. It is a Bill which places some impediment in regard to the Water Companies cutting off the supply of water. It passed through the other House with general approval, and without any serious opposition.

Motion made, and Question proposed, "That the Bill be now read a second time."—(Sir John Lubbock).

BARON DIMSDALE (Herts, Hitchin)

I hope the right hon. Baronet will postpone the Second Reading, as I believe there are many gentlemen who oppose it. They are not here to-day; but if the Second Reading is taken, there is no doubt but that they will take every opportunity at a future stage of opposing it.


At any other period of the Session I would agree; but it would be useless to attempt to pass the Bill unless I took this stage now.


I am afraid we are now attempting to take Bills possibly of a very controversial character without warning. The understanding was that the Government would cease to occupy the time at twelve o'clock, and the consequence is that Bills which come on before that hour, and which are not Government Bills come on quite unexpectedly, and when it is not possible for the gentlemen interested to come down and make their observations at this stage. I should put no obstacle in the way of unopposed Private Bills being taken before twelve o'clock, but I think my hon. Friend will see that it is not desirable to take a Bill at this time to which I gather there is considerable opposition without giving sufficient warning. I hope, therefore, that my hon. Friend will not press his Motion.

VISCOUNT GRIMSTON (Herts, St. Alban's)

I join in asking the right hon. Baronet to postpone the Second Reading of this Bill. Although a large amount of sympathy must be extended to him for his efforts to give to the London County Council powers which they desire, still this Bill excites a great deal of controversy, and it would be to the advantage of his own views to postpone this stage.


This Bill gives no powers to the London County Council; the advantages it gives are to the users of water. After the right hon. Gentleman's expression, however, I cannot press the Motion, and I will, therefore, put the Bill down for To-morrow.

Debate adjourned till To-morrow.