HC Deb 14 June 1892 vol 5 cc1054-5

I beg to ask the Lord Advocate a question of which I have given him private notice—namely, Whether it is the intention of the Treasury or of the Scottish Office to give a grant of £3,000, or any sum, to Scrabster harbour or pier during the present year?

*THE LORD ADVOCATE (Sir C. J. PEARSON,) Edinburgh and St. Andrew's Universities

The question of the hon. Member reached me such a short time ago that I have not had time to communicate with the two Departments concerned; but if the hon. Member will either repeat the question or take some other occasion to raise it, I will give him an answer.


I would ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether the Treasury have agreed to give, out of the savings of the Scottish Vote, £1,500 this year to Scrabster harbour at the request of the Scottish Office?


I think there is something in that direction, but without the Papers I cannot say what is the exact sum. I do not know whether it is out of the savings of any Vote, but I do know that a Vote of £10,000 is to be given for Scottish harbours, and from that Vote it will be perfectly proper to give a grant to Scrabster harbour.


Is it not the case that last year the House refused a grant, and that the Treasury are now to give the grant out of money appropriated to other purposes? Did not the right hon. Gentleman pledge himself that, before anything was done, an inquiry would be made as to the two competing harbours, Thurso and Scrabster, in the one bay; has that inquiry been made; and, if so, what is the result?


I cannot answer that question without notice. The House did not refuse the grant, but under somewhat singular circumstances I withdrew the Vote at the wish of the hon. Member. The hon. Member suggested that a reduction should take place, and I did not wish to force the expenditure on Scotland against the wish of the people.


The fact is a reduced sum of £47,000 was given, but the House refused the grant. The right hon. Gentleman pledged himself to have an inquiry. Has that inquiry taken place?


I must ask the hon. Member to repeat that question.


I beg to give notice that on the Supplementary Vote I shall raise this question and move a reduction of the Vote.