§ MR. GARDNER (Essex, Saffron Walden)I beg to ask the Attorney General whether his attention has been called to a circular issued to the electors of the Tonbridge Division of Kent by Mr. W. F. Browell, J.P., Chairman of the Conservative Association, in these terms:—
Dear Sir, I am requested to ask you to allow your name to be added to the committee for securing the election of Mr. A. G. Boscawen, for this division. Unless I hear from you to the contrary, I shall assume that you consent to do so";and whether, seeing the words in the last paragraph of the circular are calculated to force the electors either 1051 to declare for which candidate they will vote, or submit to having their names falsely placarded as supporters of the Conservative candidate, this circular is an infringement of both the Ballot and Corrupt Practices Acts?
§ THE ATTORNEY GENERAL (Sir RICHARD WEBSTER,) Isle of WightThe hon. Member has been good enough to send me a copy of the letter in question. I must not be understood as agreeing with the inference stated in the last paragraph of the hon. Member's question. In my opinion there is no infringement either of the Ballot or the Corrupt Practices Acts, or any other Act of Parliament.