HC Deb 13 June 1892 vol 5 cc1002-3

Order for Second Reading read.

Motion made, and Question proposed, "That the Order be discharged, and the Bill withdrawn."

(1.9.) MR. BRYCE (Aberdeen, S.)

I have just a word to say upon this Bill. I am sorry the Government have abandoned it, since they would not allow my hon. Friend (Dr. Farquharson) and myself to go on with our Bill. Although we could not accept this Bill in the form in which it stands, we should not have despaired of convincing the House if we had had the opportunity that many provisions might have been omitted, and the Bill might have been reduced to a shape giving satisfaction to the people of Scotland. I was sorry also to hear the First Lord of the Treasury express regret that the Bill had been brought in in its present form. It is a pity that the Government, having taken heart of grace, and recognising the right of the people to enjoy their own scenery, should be unable to sustain the not very high level they managed to reach, and I do not think their friends the landlords and sporting tenants will find they gain anything by this delay.

(1.10.) THE FIRST LORD OF THE TREASURY (Mr. A. J. BALFOUR,) Manchester, E.

The hon. Gentleman appears to be under some misapprehension. He expresses regret that the Bill should be withdrawn, and I can assure him that the Bill is withdrawn mainly because I have received information from authentic sources that the hon. Gentleman and his friends would by no means permit the Bill to pass in its present shape. Under the circumstances, he cannot be surprised that we do not think it is worth while to attempt to proceed with the measure. As to the hon. Gentleman's criticism on my statement that I think the Bill ought to be still further safeguarded, I do not wish to argue the merits of the Bill now, but I cannot agree with his statement of the question. It has nothing to do with the rights of the public, who have no rights in this matter; it is a question of privileges to be granted, and the persons whose rights I am anxious to safeguard, and which are not adequately protected by the Bill as it stands are not those whom he has indicated, but sheep farmers in many districts of Scotland.

Motion agreed to.

Order discharged.

Bill withdrawn.