HC Deb 13 June 1892 vol 5 cc907-11
DR. TANNER (Cork Co., Mid)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether any, and, if so, what, steps have been and are being taken to provide labourers cottages and allotments for labourers in and around the village of Kill, County Kildare; whether the majority of houses occupied by labourers have been condemned by Sanitary Authorities for years past as unsanitary and incommodious; and whether he is aware that the main opposition to allotments and erection of such cottages proceeded from the local landowner; and, if so, whether steps will be immediately taken to provide the required plots and cottages?


The Guardians of the Naas Union have been authorised to provide one hundred and twenty-three cottages. Of these ten are in the Kill Electoral Division. The Local Government Board are not aware whether the majority of the existing dwellings in the village have been condemned, or whether the case is as stated in the last paragraph. But it is to be observed that lands can be compulsorily acquired for the purposes of the Act where the circumstances warrant it.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the local landowner, a noble Lord, is the main impediment to labourers getting their dwellings?


No, I have not heard that.


Will the right hon. Gentleman cause an inquiry to be made, and will he send a Local Government Inspector to insure these dwellings being provided, they having been pressed for during the last eighteen months?


There is no power on the part of a local landlord or anybody else to stand in the way. The Board of Guardians can frame a scheme and go with it to the Local Government Board.


I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether there are any, and, if so, how many cottages built in the Ballyvaughan Union, County Clare, under the Labourers (Ireland) Acts; whether such cottages are urgently needed in the Union; and whether any, and, if so, what steps the Government propose taking to remedy the alleged want?


No cottages have been built in the Ballyvaughan Union under the Labourers Acts. It appears that some time ago the Guardians had under consideration the question of erecting such cottages, but did not proceed further with the matter. If there is any necessity for such cottages, it is open to the ratepayers or the labourers interested to bring the subject again before the Guardians.


I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland how many cottages have been provided under the Labourers (Ireland) Acts with allotments in the Counties of Armagh, Fermanagh, and Antrim, respectively, and how much land granted in allotments?


No labourers cottages have been authorised in the Counties of Armagh and Fermanagh. In the County Antrim eighteen cottages have been authorised in the Ballymena Union, and twelve of these have been built. The quantity of land taken for each of these houses is half an acre. Eight houses have also been sanctioned for the Ballycastle Union. The proposed allotment for each of these houses, including the site, is two roods and five perches.


Will it be possible, in new schemes promoted in County Antrim, to get land to the extent of one acre?


I do not think it would be possible to secure that, but as the hon. Member knows an Act has been passed empowering the Guardians to allow that.


I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether any steps have been taken to obtain a site for a cottage under the Labourers (Ireland) Acts in the parish of Doneraile, County Cork, near Oldcourt graveyard, and if he is aware that a site was chosen by the dispensary committee, approved by the engineer to the Union, but obstructed by a local tenant farmer; and whether, in view of the fact that the provision of this cottage has been repeatedly asked for by the people of the locality, the Local Government Board will take steps to settle the matter?


The site first selected for the proposed cottage referred to appears to have been objected to by the occupier of the land on the ground that the site was demesne land. The Guardians have now before them a scheme which includes a representation for a site for this cottage about one hundred yards distant from the former proposed one.


Can no pressure be brought to bear—no steps taken—to meet this urgent want?


I have already said a scheme is before the Board of Guardians to secure a site one hundred yards distant from that mentioned in the question.


I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether any steps have been taken in the Mallow Union to carry out Scheme 6 under the Labourers (Ireland) Acts; and, if not, for what reasons?


The preliminary proceedings of the Mallow Board of Guardians in connection with the Scheme No. 6 referred to were informal. This was explained to the Guardians by the Local Government Board, and it is understood that the houses proposed in that scheme will be included in a further scheme the Guardians are now framing.


I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether the Irish Local Government Board will reconsider their decision as regards the fifth scheme for labourers cottages in the Mallow Union; whether the Guardians of the Union received notice of the inquiry into the said scheme; whether Colonel Spaight, Local Government Inspector, refused to adjourn the inquiry when the Guardians did not attend; and whether the proceedings under this scheme cost the Union upwards of £200?


The matter referred to in this question was disposed of two years ago, and the Local Government Board are not aware of any reason for re-opening it. Public notice was given of the proposed local inquiry, and it was specially pointed out to the Guardians that they should be prepared to produce at the inquiry the necessary evidence in support of the scheme. Nearly all the Guardians absented themselves, but the other parties to the case being duly in attendance, in pursuance of the notice, the Local Government Inspector did not feel himself in a position to adjourn the inquiry. The Local Government Board have no information as to the cost incurred by the Guardians in connection with this scheme.