HC Deb 13 June 1892 vol 5 cc899-900

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department if it has been brought to his knowledge that, on the 5th February last, Catherine O'Toole, a weaver, had one of her eyes destroyed by a blow from the shuttle of a loom beside where she was working in the weaving factory of the Belfast Flax Spinning and Weaving Company (Limited), Waterford Street, Belfast; that another weaver, named Lizzie Boyd, had one of her eyes destroyed in the same way in the weaving factory of the York Street Spinning Company (Limited), Belfast, on the 3rd May; were those injuries caused by the neglect of the employers or their superintendents to have suitable screens erected at each end of the loom so as to prevent the shuttle flying out in case of accident; and whether the Government, having regard to the frequency of such accidents, will cause to be appointed, as Inspector of Factories in Belfast, a tenter or other person recommended by the Belfast Trades Council, and having practical knowledge and experience of the working of such looms?


Yes, Sir, I have received a Report from the Inspector as to both these accidents. I am informed by him that in each case the loom was protected by a guard. As to the cause of the accidents I ought not to express an opinion, as I understand that proceedings are pending under the Employers' Liability Act. With regard to the last paragraph of the question, I may say that the Inspector in whose district these accidents occurred had, prior to his appointment, practical knowledge as a weaver from early life, and is fully acquainted with looms and weaving machinery.


Having regard to the great importance of this question to trade in Belfast, may I ask the right hon. Gentleman to take into consideration the appointment of an Assistant Inspector there, recommended by the Trades Council; and I may mention that the Council entertain a strong opinion on this subject?


I have had no complaint of inefficient inspection, and I may remind the hon. Member that in regard to the shuttles no sufficient guard has yet been discovered.