MR. ARTHURO'CONNOR (Donegal, E.)I wish to ask the Speaker whether it is in Order for the First Lord of the Treasury to introduce the Motion for Adjournment on the Paper in the middle of the Orders of the Day? It is necessary that a notice of that kind should be taken at the commencement of business. I would draw attention to the fact that on Tuesday, 24th May, 1880, the Adjourned Debate on the Parliamentary Oaths Bill stood first on the Paper, and that Mr. Speaker Brand then held that the Motion for Adjournment over the Derby Day, which stood lower on the Paper, had the precedence. A singular disadvantage would be attached to the arrangement if the matter were brought on at ten minutes to seven, and any hon. Member wished to move an Amendment to it.
§ *MR. SPEAKERThe ruling of my predecessor was given in 1882; but since that time, in 1888, a Standing Order has been passed allowing the Government to arrange its business, whether Orders of the Day or Notices of Motion, as they think fit, and that course has been followed on several occasions.
MR. O'CONNORMay I ask whether the Motion could be proceeded with if it were taken at ten minutes to seven, and were unopposed?
§ MR. A. J. BALFOURI have put the Motion for Adjournment down where it is, not in the least with the view of excluding discussion, but simply in order to advance a stage with a large number of Bills on which only small points of controversy arise. If the 562 hon. Gentleman desires to raise any particular point, I am quite ready to bring the Motion on, say, at six o'clock, ft would be very inconvenient if the present Sitting of the House extended beyond seven o'clock.