MR. MAC NEILL (Donegal, S.)I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for India whether, notwithstanding the fact that the Despatch of Lord Cross of the 12th September, 896 recommends certain offices in the Uncovenanted Civil Service of India to be filled exclusively by Indians, an executive order can at any time authorise the introduction of Europeans to any extent to these offices?
* THE UNDER SECRETARY or STATE FOR INDIA (Mr. CURZON, Lancashire, Southport)I must refer the hon. Member to the Despatch itself, which is contained in the Blue Book of 1890. The precise nature and number of the applications which will be thrown open to natives of India in the reorganization of the Services is still under consideration, and any unofficial statement that has hitherto appeared upon the subject is premature.
MR. MAC NEILLIs the hon. Gentleman aware that in the despatch to which he refers me my question was fully borne out? I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for India, how many Europeans (including Eurasians), and how many Indians in both the Covenanted and Uncovenanted Civil Services of India were, on the 31st March, 1886, drawing annual salaries of Rs. 5,000, and upwards, and what was the proportion at that date of Europeans (including Eurasians) to Indians?
* MR. CURZONThe figures asked for were all given in my answer to a similar question of the hon. Member on Friday, and I can only refer him to that answer.
MR. MAC NEILLI think the hon. Gentleman is under a mistake. The figures were given collectively, and not individually. I must repeat my question to-morrow.