HC Deb 16 February 1892 vol 1 c557
MR. LLOYD-GEORGE (Carnarvon, &c.)

Upon the London and North Western Railway Bill I desire to say a few words, Sir. I do not know whether this is my opportunity for doing that?


The Second Reading stage will afford the hon. Member a better opportunity.

Ordered, That the Order (15th February) that leave be given to bring in the London and North Western Railway (New Railways) Bill be read, and discharged. Ordered, That in lieu thereof leave be given to bring in "A Bill for empowering the London and North Western Railway Company to construct new and widen existing Railways in the Counties of Warwick and Lancaster, and the West Riding of the County of York, and for conferring powers upon that Company and the Midland Railway Company in relation to some of such Railways, and for other pur- poses," and that Mr. Plunket, Mr. William Lowther, Mr. MacInnes, and Mr. Albert, Bright do prepare and bring in the same.—(Mr. Caldwell.)