HC Deb 18 August 1892 vol 7 cc452-3

On the Motion of the Right Hon. E. MABJORIBANKS, the following New Writs were issued:—

For Borough of Newcastle upon Tyne, v. Right Hon. John Morley, Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland.

County of Cornwall (Mid or St. Austell Division), v. William Alexander McArthur, esquire, Commissioner of the Treasury.

Borough of Southwark (Western Division), v. Richard Knight Causton, esquire, Commissioner of the Treasury.

County of Merionethshire, v. Thomas Edward Ellis, esquire, Commissioner of the Treasury.

Hackney (South Division), v. Sir Charles Russell, Q.C., Attorney General.

County of Forfar, v. John Rigby, esquire, Solicitor General.

Counties of Clackmannan and Kinross, v. Right Hon. John Blair Balfour, Lord Advocate for Scotland.

Elgin District of Burghs, v. Alexander Asher, esquire, Solicitor General for Scotland.

County of Northampton (Mid Division), v. Hon. Charles Robert Spencer, Vice Chamberlain of Her Majesty's Household.

Stoke upon Trent, v. George Granville Leveson-Gower, esquire, Comptroller of Her Majesty's Household.

(4.48.) MR. E. MARJORIBANKS (Berwickshire)

I move that the Sitting be suspended till Nine o'clock.

Motion agreed to.

The House resumed its Sitting at Nine o'clock.