HC Deb 28 April 1892 vol 3 cc1567-9
DR. TANNER (Cork Co., Mid)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether his attention has been directed to the repeated complaints made by the Board of Governors of the Cork District Lunatic Asylum, that particulars are not given them, or sufficient particulars are not furnished in the specifications of various contracts in connection with plumbing, fire mains, gas fittings, and copper cylinders; whether he is aware that the Board of Governors having been called specially to consider these contracts were informed that they had been previously advertised; whether the specifications given to the Board were, as alleged by the Chairman, incorrect; and whether an expenditure of between £2,000 and £3,000 is involved in the particular branch of the works alluded to?


With regard to this question, I am informed that any particulars in respect to proposed works are, if applied for by the Governors, invariably given, and their views sought with reference to them. The specifications for the proposed works mentioned were prepared by the local architect. Tenders were invited by public advertisement for these works, and they will be referred to the Governors for their views before any decision is come to. An expenditure of over £2,000 is involved.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that at the present time there is a deadlock in the Cork Asylum, and that the Governors have again and again refused to pass the contracts, inasmuch as they contend that the whole business is now done by the Board of Control in Dublin. Will the right hon. Gentleman look into this matter further, and I will put the question down again for next Monday?


I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland if he is aware that the Board of Governors of the Cork District Lunatic Asylum refused to consider the question of the proposed connection between the new and old buildings; whether it is a fact that the Board of Control had omitted to insert the connecting passage in the original plans; and whether any and, if so, what steps will be taken to remove the frequently recurring friction between the Board of Control and the Board of Governors?


I am informed that the construction of the connecting passage referred to was not included in the original contract for the new buildings, as there was some doubt as to the best position in which to construct it, and it was, therefore, deemed advisable to postpone the consideration of the question. The matter is now receiving attention, and the Governors have been consulted on the matter. Plans are being prepared to carry out the work. The Board of Control have done everything in their power to prevent any friction with the Governors in carrying out these works.


I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether Boards of Governors of County Lunatic Asylums have any power of regulating the expense incurred in the erection of new buildings or works in such asylums; and whether all fiscal control is vested in the Board of Control in Dublin?


The control over the expenditure on the erection of new buildings or works in County Asylums in Ireland is vested by law solely in the Board of Control; but the Governors are invariably consulted before the expenditure is incurred.