HC Deb 11 April 1892 vol 3 c1123
MR. SEAGER HUNT (Marylebone, W.)

I beg to ask the First Commissioner of Works if he will consider the advisability of planting with flowers the Piccadilly side of the Green Park in a manner similar to that in which the Park Lane side of Hyde Park is planted?


The Piccadilly side of the Green Park was formerly planted with flowers, but the planting was discontinued some years ago owing chiefly to the fact of the trees having grown so much at that time that they shaded the beds and spoiled the flowers; and this difficulty, in the way of making such planting successful, would be greater now by reason of the further growth of the trees. I think we must apply such funds as we can afford for this kind of ornamental gardening in those places where it can be carried out to the best advantage.