HC Deb 07 April 1892 vol 3 cc865-6
MR. KILBRIDE (Kerry, S.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he can state the amount at present in the hands of the Board of Works available for the erection of fishery piers and boat slips; also the amount the Congested Districts Board have in hand for the same purpose?


I am informed that the only amount in the hands of the Board of Works in Ireland for the erection of fishery piers and harbours is a balance of £2,629 under the Sea Fisheries Act of 1883; but this has been allocated to the extension of Clogher Head Pier. There is no portion of the funds of the Congested Districts Board specially ear-marked for piers or boatslips.


I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether the Government received a memorial last year from the fishermen and other residents on the south side of Dingle Bay praying for the construction of fishery piers and boatslips at Coonana and Croom-Croun Harbours; whether he is aware that on several occasions the fishermen when launching their boats are obliged to wade up to their middle to try and save their boats from being broken, and remain in their wet clothes all the long cold nights fishing, with the result that the strongest and most robust constitutions quickly succumb; whether he is aware that Sir Thomas Brady in March last year visited these places, and strongly recommended the erection of boatslips; and whether, having regard to the necessity that exists for the construction of these works, the Government intend to carry into effect the prayer of the memorialists?


The replies to the inquiries in the first and third paragraphs are in the affirmative. There are no funds at the disposal of the Irish Government which would enable the prayer of the memorialists to be carried into effect, and the memorialists were so informed.


As the Congested Districts Board meet next week, will this matter be brought under their notice?


I will bring the matter before that Board.